Sunday 28 August 2011

HG 1/144 Rick Dias

First kit I've built with my new airbrush!
Finished building this kit I picked up for 10$ (preeede cheap :D).
It was a pretty good kit overall, took me about a week. I probably should've put on a coat of flat clear before I started piecing it together.

Oh well, practice makes perfect.

Epic Pose~

The only thing missing is the clear green eye piece :( looked all over my room for it the night I finished it and couldn't find the damn thing. 

Painted this with flat/matte paints from Tamiya.
Field Blue (XF-50), Medium Blue (XF-18) w/ a bit of white, Flat Black (XF-1), Flat Aluminum (XF-16) & Flat Red (XF-7)

Back View
Front View
Eye-less :(
Thrusters in Flat Aluminum

Flat Red Thrusters underneath the legs

Tamiya 1/24 Honda S2000

This kit I've had for a long time, my junior style Mr.Hobby airbrush broke cause I didn't take care of it. So I let this sit for about a year. Now that I have a newer, better airbrush, let the project commence.

Box Art, there is a S2000 w/Hardtop model, but i opted for this model b/c it looked better imo
 Painted the wheels with Flat Aluminum (XF-16) to replicate the box art. Might put on a coat of gloss clear to make it shine a little
Gonna put Mica Red (TS-39) over top Armory Grey Primer

The interior was sprayed with my old airbrush, so most of the parts are oversprayed w/ paint buildup due to uncontrollable paint flow (it was a one speed sprayout). Highlighted some buttons and the shiftknob with Flat Aluminum

 Problems I had was I originally sprayed it with Tamiya Fine Primer 1000, I didn't shake the can well enough so some spots bubbled up, having a hard time trying to sand it all down

Mica Red over grey primer makes a pretty aggressive paintjob

Problems arising at the bottom of the bumper, paint began to build up and bubble

 Need to sand out the bottom and give it a second coat of paint, hopefully it goes smoothly

Tamiya 1/24 Nissan Skyline 2000RS Hardtop 1981

 Got this kit as a door prize from a sale at the hobby shop. Pretty nice looking kit, I've always had an eye on classics. I decided to follow the paintjob as seen on the box cover. It's hard to find any info on this car, since most of the links end up on the R31 rather than this model. Nonetheless, the work in progress..

Box Art

 Started by sanding down the mold lines, traced out the panel lines to give a sharper look then primered it with Armory Grey Primer

Two projects at once, yeeee
for the interior, I went with Tamiya's Desert Yellow (XF-59), left the instrument panel, shifter, e-brake & wheel in stock black. strange thing is the kit never came with pedals... I guess this is an older kit.

Since the interior was so simple, it only took an hour and a half to complete it. The dash never came with decals so it stays black for now

The rims looked nice in stock, so I left them untouched
 I painted the underbody with Dark Grey (XF-24), the crankshaft, gas tank and parks of the suspension with Flat Aluminum (XF-16). At some point while airbrushing the aluminum sprayed all over the body so I went over it with what I though was Dark Grey. I must've picked up German Grey or something by accident... by eye it's not as visible, but the pictures really do show the difference.
maybe its the lighting..
Hopefully by tomorrow I will have started to put on the first coat of paint.